Angular Routing with Query Parameters

By Arvind Rai, December 19, 2023
In this article, we will learn to create query parameters and retrieve them in Angular routing. I will cover following points here on this page.
Creating query parameters
1. with queryParams in routerLink
2. with queryParams in Router.navigate()
3. with absolute URL in Router.navigateByUrl()

Retrieving query parameters
1. using withComponentInputBinding
2. using ActivatedRoute.queryParamMap

In my example, I have created following routes.
export const routes: Routes = [
    { path: 'userdetail', component: UserDetailsComponent },
    { path: 'companydetail', component: CompanyDetailsComponent },
For the path /userdetail, the component UserDetailsComponent will execute.
For the path /companydetail, the component CompanyDetailsComponent will execute.
Now we will learn to create and retrieve query parameters for above path in detail.
routerLink Directive makes an element a link to navigate a route. Navigation opens routed components in <router-outlet>.
queryParams is a property of routerLink and is used to pass query parameters. Using queryParams we can pass one or more query parameters.
Find the code snippet to use queryParams.
        <a routerLink="/userdetail" [queryParams]="{uname:'Mohan', age: 30, city:'Varanasi'}">User Details</a>
        <a routerLink="/companydetail" [queryParams]="{compname:'XYZ', compsize: 100}">Company Details</a>
a. In the 'User Details' link, I am sending three query parameters. The URL will be created as following.
b. In the 'Company Details' link, I am sending two query parameters.

queryParamsHandling :
queryParamsHandling handles query parameters in a router link. It can have three values.
"merge" : Merge new parameters with current parameters.
"preserve" : Preserve current parameters.
"" : Default behaviour. Replace current parameters with new parameters.

Find the code to use queryParamsHandling with "merge" value.
<a routerLink="/userdetail"
  [queryParams]="{uname:'Mohan', age: 30, city:'Varanasi'}"
        User Details
1. navigate() is a method of Router class. The parameters of navigate() method is commands and navigation extras.
2. commands is an array of URL fragments with which the target URL is constructed.
3. extras is a NavigationExtras that has properties such as queryParams, fragment, relativeTo, queryParamsHandling, preserveFragment etc.

Find the code to pass query parameters using queryParams in navigate() method.
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) {}
getUserDetails() {
  this.router.navigate(['userdetail'],  {
      queryParams: {uname:'Sohan', age: 35, city:'Ayodhya'},
      relativeTo: this.route
getCompanyDetails() {
  this.router.navigate(['companydetail'],  {
    queryParams: {compname:'ABC', compsize: 150},
    relativeTo: this.route
Use queryParamsHandling with Router.navigate() as following.
this.router.navigate(['userdetail'],  {
    queryParams: {uname:'Sohan', age: 35, city:'Ayodhya'},
    relativeTo: this.route,
    queryParamsHandling: "merge"
Router.navigateByUrl() navigates to a view using an absolute route path. It accepts the values as given below.
navigateByUrl(url, extras) 
url is string or UrlTree.
extras is NavigationBehaviorOptions that modifies the Router navigation strategy. Its properties are onSameUrlNavigation, skipLocationChange, replaceUrl, state. The extras is optional and default value is {skipLocationChange: false} .
Find the example.

4. Retrieving with withComponentInputBinding

Step-1: Use withComponentInputBinding with provideRouter.
The withComponentInputBinding function enables binding information from the Router state directly to the inputs of the component in Route configurations.
    providers: [
      provideRouter(appRoutes, withComponentInputBinding())
If we are using RouterModule.forRoot, we can pass bindToComponentInputs as true to enable binding information from the Router state to the inputs of the component.

Step-2: Create @Input() properties with the same name or alias as key of query parameters.
a. In the URL,
there are keys as uname, age and city.
In the component, we need to create @Input() properties as following.
@Input() uname: string;
@Input() age: number;
@Input() city: string; 
Find the Component code.
  standalone: true,
  imports: [],
  template: 'User Detail Component'
export class UserDetailsComponent implements OnInit {
  @Input() uname!: string;
  @Input() age!: number;
  @Input() city!: string;

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log("uname: " + this.uname);
    console.log("age: " + this.age);
    console.log("city: " +;
uname: Mohan
age: 30
city: Varanasi 
b. For URL
Find the Component code.
  standalone: true,
  imports: [],
  template: 'Company Detail Component'
export class CompanyDetailsComponent {
  @Input() compname!: string;
  @Input() compsize!: number;

  ngOnInit() {
    console.log("compname: " + this.compname);
    console.log("compsize: " + this.compsize);
compname: XYZ
compsize: 100 

5. Retrieving with ActivatedRoute.queryParamMap

To retrieve query parameters, use queryParamMap properties of ActivatedRoute class. queryParamMap is an Observable that contains a map of the query parameters available to all routes.
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute){}
ngOnInit() {
  const userDetail$= this.route.queryParamMap.pipe(
    switchMap(params => {
      const uname = String(params.get('uname'));
      const age = Number(params.get('age'));
      const city = String(params.get('city'));

      console.log("uname: " + uname);
      console.log("age: ", age);
      console.log("city: ", city);

      return of("done");
  userDetail$.subscribe(val=> console.log(val));

6. References


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