@ViewChildren in Angular

By Arvind Rai, February 11, 2024
Angular @ViewChildren Decorator is used to get the QueryList of elements or directives from the view DOM. When a new child element is added or removed, the QueryList will be updated and its changes function will emit new value. @ViewChildren sets the data before ngAfterViewInit callback. @ViewChildren has following metadata properties.
selector: Selector for querying.
read: It is used to read different token from the queried elements.
@ViewChildren supports following selector.
1. A Component class
writers: QueryList<WriterComponent>; 
2. A Directive Class
private msgList: QueryList<MessageDirective>; 
3. Template reference variable
writers: QueryList<WriterComponent>;	
persons: QueryList<ElementRef>; 
4. Using read metadata.
@ViewChildren(WriterComponent, { read: ElementRef })
writers: QueryList<ElementRef>; 
@ViewChildren(MessageDirective, {read: ViewContainerRef})
msgList: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>; 
Here on this page we will provide @ViewChildren complete example with Component, Directive and Template Reference Variable.

@ViewChildren with Component

To use @ViewChildren with Component, we need to pass Component name or template reference variable as selector to @ViewChildren. Suppose we have a component WriterComponent. We can use QueryList of WriterComponent in any other component using @ViewChildren.
writers1: QueryList<WriterComponent>;	
Find the code to use read metadata. Here we will read ElementRef from the queried elements.
@ViewChildren(WriterComponent, {read: ElementRef}) 
writers2: QueryList<ElementRef>; 
Here we will read ViewContainerRef from the queried elements.
@ViewChildren(WriterComponent, {read: ViewContainerRef}) 
writers3: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>; 
We can access QueryList inside ngAfterViewInit method because @ViewChildren sets the data before AfterViewInit. Now find the complete code.
import { Component, ViewChildren, AfterViewInit, ViewContainerRef, QueryList, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';
import { WriterComponent } from './writer.component';

	selector: 'app-vc-demo1',
	template: `
        <h3>@ViewChildren + Component</h3>
	  <writer name="Krishna" book="Angular Tutorials"></writer> <br/>
	  <writer name="Mahesh" book="Java Tutorials"></writer> <br/>
	  <writer name="Krishna" book="jQuery Tutorials"></writer> <br/>
	  <writer name="Bramha" book="Hibernate Tutorials" *ngIf="allWritersVisible"></writer> <br/>   
	  <writer name="Vishnu" book="Spring Tutorials" *ngIf="allWritersVisible"></writer>  
	<button (click)="onShowAllWriters()" >
	  <label *ngIf="!allWritersVisible">Show More</label>
	  <label *ngIf="allWritersVisible">Show Less</label>
export class VCOneDemoComponent implements AfterViewInit {
	writers1: QueryList<WriterComponent>;

	@ViewChildren(WriterComponent, { read: ElementRef })
	writers2: QueryList<ElementRef>;

	@ViewChildren(WriterComponent, { read: ViewContainerRef })
	writers3: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>;

	allWritersVisible = false;

	ngAfterViewInit() {
		console.log('--- @ViewChildren + Component ---');
		this.writers1.changes.subscribe(list => {
			list.forEach(writer => console.log(writer.writerName + ' - ' + writer.bookName));
		console.log("Result with ElementRef:");
		this.writers2.forEach(el => console.log(el));

		console.log("Result with ViewContainerRef:");
		this.writers3.forEach(vref => console.log(vref));
	onShowAllWriters() {
		this.allWritersVisible = (this.allWritersVisible === true) ? false : true;
import { Component, Input } from '@angular/core';

  selector: 'writer',
  template: `
       {{writerName}} - {{bookName}}
export class WriterComponent {
  @Input('name') writerName: string;
  @Input('book') bookName: string;
On click of button, the size of QueryList will be changed and this change can be observed using QueryList.changes.
We can also use template reference variable with @ViewChildren to obtain QueryList of Component. Suppose we have following HTML code.
<writer name="Krishna" book="Angular Tutorials" #bkWriter></writer> <br/>
<writer name="Mahesh" book="Java Tutorials" #bkWriter></writer> <br/>
<writer name="Krishna" book="jQuery Tutorials" #bkWriter></writer> <br/> 
In the above code we have used bkWriter as template reference variable for WriterComponent. Now we will query data as following.
writers1: QueryList<WriterComponent>; 

@ViewChildren with Directive

We will query Directive using @ViewChildren and embed a message using createEmbeddedView of ViewContainerRef class.
import { Component, ViewChild, ViewChildren, AfterViewInit, ViewContainerRef, TemplateRef, QueryList } from '@angular/core';
import { MessageDirective } from './message.directive';

	selector: 'app-vc-demo2',
	template: `
	<h3>@ViewChildren + Directive</h3>
	<div cpMsg></div>
	<div cpMsg></div>
	<div cpMsg></div>	
	<ng-template #msgTemp>
          Hello World!
export class VCTwoDemoComponent implements AfterViewInit {
	private msgList: QueryList<MessageDirective>;

	private msgTempRef: TemplateRef<any>;

	ngAfterViewInit() {
		console.log('--- @ViewChildren + Directive ---');
		console.log("this.msgList.length: " + this.msgList.length);
		this.msgList.forEach(messageDirective =>
We can also use read metadata to read ViewContainerRef directly from the directive.
@ViewChildren(MessageDirective, {read: ViewContainerRef})
private msgList: QueryList<ViewContainerRef>; 

ngAfterViewInit() {
   this.msgList.forEach(vcRef => vcRef.createEmbeddedView(this.msgTempRef));
Find the Directive used in the example.
import { Directive, ViewContainerRef } from '@angular/core';

    selector: '[cpMsg]'
export class MessageDirective {
    constructor(public viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef) { }

@ViewChildren with ElementRef

We will use @ViewChildren with ElementRef here.
import { Component, ViewChildren, AfterViewInit, QueryList, ElementRef } from '@angular/core';

	selector: 'app-vc-demo3',
	template: `
         <h3>@ViewChildren + ElementRef</h3>
	   <div #pname>Mohit</div>
	   <div #pname>Anup</div>
	   <div #pname>Nilesh</div>
export class VCThreeDemoComponent implements AfterViewInit {
	persons: QueryList<ElementRef>;

	ngAfterViewInit() {
		console.log('--- @ViewChildren + ElementRef ---');
		this.persons.forEach(el => console.log(el.nativeElement.innerHTML));
In the above code we have some <div> and we have assigned template reference variable to it and we are querying ElementRef.
Now find the other files used in the demo.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'app-root',
    template: `
export class AppComponent {

@ViewChild vs @ViewChildren vs @ContentChild vs @ContentChildren

@ViewChild and @ViewChildren query the elements from view DOM and @ContentChild and @ContentChildren query the elements from content DOM.
1 @ViewChild queries a single element or directive. It will be first element or the Directive matching the selector from the view DOM. It is used as following.
writer: WriterComponent;

message: MessageDirective; 
2. @ViewChildren is used to get the QueryList of elements or directives from the view DOM. It is used as following.
writers: QueryList<WriterComponent>;	

private msgList: QueryList<MessageDirective>; 
3. @ContentChild gives the first element or directive matching the selector from the content DOM. It is used as following.
book: BookDirective; 
4. @ContentChildren is used to get QueryList of elements or directives from the content DOM. It is used as following.
books: QueryList<BookDirective> 


Find the print-screen of the output.
Angular @ViewChildren


Angular Doc: ViewChildren

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