Angular Interview Questions : Routing & Route Guards

By Arvind Rai, August 10, 2023

Q.1 : Which module is imported for routing?

Ans : The module RouterModule is imported for routing.
import { RouterModule } from '@angular/router'; 

Q.2 : What is difference between Route and Routes?

Ans :
Route : A Route is a configuration object that defines single route.
{ path: 'manage-user', component: ManageUserComponent } 
Routes : The Routes is the set of Route.
const routes: Routes = [
	{ path: 'manage-user', component: ManageUserComponent },
	{ path: 'update-user/:id', component: UpdateUserComponent }

Q.3 : How can you redirect a URL to another URL?

Ans : We can redirect a URL using Route.redirectTo property.
{ path: ‘’, redirectTo: ‘/dashboard’, pathMatch: 'full' } 
For blank path, URL is redirected to /dashboard path.

Q.4 : How can you handle ‘404 Not Found’ ?

Ans : To handle ‘404 Not Found’, use path as ** in route and create a component to associate with this path.
{ path: '**', component: NotFound404Component } 
If given path has no mapping defined in module, then NotFound404Component will be executed.

Q.5 : What is the role of RouterModule.forRoot() method to define routes? Write a sample code.

Ans : The forRoot() method creates and configures a module with all the router providers and directives. 
Find the sample code to define route.
const routes: Routes = [
    { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
	{ path: 'user-detail/:id', component: UserDetailComponent }  
  imports: [ RouterModule.forRoot(routes) ],
  exports: [ RouterModule ]
export class AppRoutingModule{ } 

Q.6 : How will you create route path with parameters and access its values?

Ans : To create route path with parameters, use colon (:) as following.
{ path: 'get-user/:id', component: UserComponent } 
For the URL /get-user/100, the UserComponent will be invoked. The value for id will be 100. To fetch the value of id in UserComponent, use ActivatedRoute and Params.
export class UpdateBookComponent implements OnInit {
    user: User = new User();
    constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute,
        private userService: UserService,
        private location: Location) { }
    ngOnInit(): void {
            switchMap((params: Params) => this. userService.getUser(+params['id']))
        ).subscribe(user => this.user = user);
ActivatedRoute : Contains route specific information such as route parameters, global query params etc.
Params : Contains the parameter value.

Q.7 : What is the role of Angular Location service?

Ans : The Location service is used to navigate back and forward. For example.
export class UserDetailComponent {
    constructor(private location: Location) { }

Q.8 : How will you navigate from one component path to another component path programmatically?

Ans : We can navigate from one component to another component using Router.navigate() method.
Suppose we have a path as below.
{ path: 'update-user/:id', component: UpdateUserComponent } 
Find the code to use Router.navigate() method.
export class UserDetailComponent {
    constructor(private router: Router) { }
    updateUser(id: number) {
        this.router.navigate([‘/update-user’, id]);

Q.9 : How will you use RouterLink and RouterLinkActive ?

Ans :
RouterLink : Binds the route with clickable HTML element such as anchor tag.
RouterLinkActive : A directive that binds the CSS class with HTML element and becomes active only when that element is clicked.
They are used as following.
<a routerLink="/manage-user" routerLinkActive="active-link">Manage User</a> 

Q.10 : What is <router-outlet> ?

Ans : The <router-outlet> acts as a placeholder that is filled dynamically based on the current router state. It marks the location where the router displays the view. Use it as following.

Q.11 : How will you create children path?

Ans : To create children path, we use Route.children property.
const userRoutes: Routes = [
       path: ‘dashboard’,
       component: DashboardComponent,
       children: [ 
	            path: 'add',
	            component: AddUserComponent
The path /dashboard/add will invoke AddUserComponent.

Q.12 : What is empty child routes?

Ans : Empty child route will be invoked by default for parent route.
const userRoutes: Routes = [
      path: ‘dashboard’,
      component: DashboardComponent,
      children: [ 
	            path: '',
	            component: UserDetailComponent
For the path /dashboard, the component DashboardComponent -> UserDetailComponent will be invoked.

Q.13 : In how many ways is a module loaded?

Ans : A module is loaded in three ways : Eager loading, Lazy loading, Preloading. Main module of application always loaded eagerly and feature module can be loaded in any ways.

Q.14 : What is eager loading of modules?

Ans : In eager loading, all the feature modules are loaded before the application start. Suppose we have a feature module as UserRoutingModule. To load it eagerly, just import it using @NgModule in main application module.
  imports: [
If more than one feature modules are configured, they will be loaded in the order they are configured in imports metadata. The advantage of eager loading is that the subsequent request to the application will be faster. Eager loading is suitable for small size application.

Q.15 : What is lazy loading of modules?

Ans : In lazy loading all the feature modules are loaded on-demand. They are not loaded at application start, they are loaded when there is a request to feature module. To load a module lazily, use loadChildren in route configuration as following.
const routes: Routes = [
        path: ‘user’,
        loadChildren: () => import('./user.module').then(mod => mod.UserModule)
Lazy loading is suitable for bigger application.

Q.16 : What is preloading of modules?

Ans : In preloading, feature modules are loaded asynchronously in background just after application start. For preloading, load module using loadChildren and configure preloadingStrategy with RouterModule.forRoot().
1. Load module using loadChildren.
const routes: Routes = [
        path: ‘user’,
        loadChildren: () => import('./user.module').then(mod => mod.UserModule)
2. Configure preloadingStrategy.
RouterModule.forRoot(routes, { preloadingStrategy: PreloadAllModules }) 
The PreloadAllModules strategy preloads all modules configured by loadChildren. To preload only selective modules, we need to create custom preloading strategy.

Q.17 : How will you create custom preloading strategy?

Ans : To create custom preloading strategy, create a class by overriding PreloadingStrategy abstract class that provides a preloading strategy. The built-in strategies are NoPreloading and PreloadAllModules. Find the code snippet to create a custom preloading strategy.
export class CustomPreloadingStrategy implements PreloadingStrategy {
  preload(route: Route, load: () => Observable<any>): Observable<any> {
Now import CustomPreloadingStrategy in application module or feature module wherever required.

Q.18 : What route guards are used in Angular routing?

Ans : The route guards used in Angular routing are as following.
interface Route {
  canActivate?: Array<CanActivateFn>
  canActivateChild?: Array<CanActivateChildFn>
  canDeactivate?: Array<CanDeactivateFn<any>>
  canMatch?: Array<CanMatchFn>
  resolve?: ResolveData

Q.19 : What is canActivate functional route guard and how will it work?

Ans : The canActivate route guard handles if the current user is allowed to activate the component.
To use canActivate route guard, create a service that will contain a method to decide if the current user is allowed to activate the component. This will return boolean value. Create auth guard service as following.
export class MyAuthGuardService {
	canActivateRouteGuard(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
Use inject method to get any required dependencies. Find the code to configure canActivate functional route guard.
path: '',
component: DashboardComponent,
canActivate: [
  (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) =>
		inject(MyAuthGuardService).canActivateRouteGuard(route, state)
children: [
If canActivateRouteGuard() method returns true, the current user will be allowed to activate the component, otherwise not.

Q.20 : What is canActivateChild functional route guard and how will it work?

Ans : The canActivateChild route guard handles if the current user is allowed to activate a child of the component.
To use canActivateChild route guard, create a service.
export class MyAuthGuardService {
       canActivateChildRouteGuard(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot): boolean {
Now configure canActivateChild functional route guard as following.
path: 'emp-list',
component: EmpListComponent,
canActivateChild: [
	(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot) =>
		inject(MyAuthGuardService).canActivateChildRouteGuard(route, state)
If canActivateChildRouteGuard() method returns true, the current user will be allowed to activate the child of the component, otherwise not.

Q.21 : What is canDeactivate functional route guard and how will it work?

Ans : The canDeactivate route guard handles if the current user is allowed to deactivate the component. To use The canDeactivate, find the code snippet.
Create a service for route guard.
export interface CanComponentDeactivate {
  canDeactivate: () => Observable<boolean> | Promise<boolean> | boolean;

export class RouteGuardService {
  canDeactivate(component: CanComponentDeactivate, state: RouterStateSnapshot) {
Now configure canDeactivate functional route guard.
path: 'add',
component: AddUserComponent,
canDeactivate: [
   (component: CanComponentDeactivate, state: RouterStateSnapshot) =>
       inject(RouteGuardService).canDeactivate(component, state)
If canDeactivate() method of RouteGuardService returns true, then the current user is allowed to deactivate the component, otherwise not.

Q.22 : What is canMatch functional route guard and how will it work?

Ans : The canMatch route guard handles if the current user is allowed to match the Route.

Q.23 : What is resolve guard and how will it work?

Ans : The resolve guard configures a map of DI tokens used to look up data resolvers. The router waits for the data to be resolved before the route is finally activated.
To use resolve guard, create a resolver.
export class UserDetailResolver {
  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot): Promise<User | null> {
Configure the resolver to the route.
path: 'detail/:user-id',
component: UserDetailComponent,
resolve: {
	personDetail: (route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) =>

Q.24 : What is named router outlet and how is it created?

Ans : Named router outlet is used to open components in popup view. Named outlet stays open even when we switch between pages in our application. Named outlet is created using <router-outlet> tag with name attribute.
<router-outlet name="userPopup"></router-outlet> 
To open a component in named outlet, find the path configuration.
   path: 'update-user',
   component: UserUpdateComponent,
   outlet: 'userPopup'
<a [routerLink]="[{ outlets: { userPopup: ['update-user'] } }]" > 
To close a named outlet, pass route as null.

Q.25 : How can you set the page title per route?

Ans : The page title per route can be set using Route.title.
  path: 'add',
  component: AddUserComponent,
  title: 'Add User’
For the path /add, title will be Add User.

Q.26 : How will you customize title using TitleStrategy ?

Ans : The TitleStrategy is used to set the page title after a router navigation. It has three methods.
buildTitle() : Finds the existing title from RouterStateSnapshot.
getResolvedTitleForRoute() : Returns the final value of Route.title property.
updateTitle() : Updates the title.
Find the sample code to create custom TitleStrategy.
export class MyCustomTitleStrategy extends TitleStrategy {
  override updateTitle(routerState: RouterStateSnapshot) {
    const pageTitle = this.buildTitle(routerState);
    if (pageTitle !== undefined) {
      document.title = `ConcretePage - ${pageTitle}`;
    } else {
      document.title = `ConcretePage - Home`;
Now configure the custom MyCustomTitleStrategy using provider in application module.
providers: [ {provide: TitleStrategy,  useClass: MyCustomTitleStrategy} ] 

Q.27 : What is difference between loadComponent and loadChildren ?

Ans :
loadComponent : Loads a single component lazily on demand.
loadComponent: () => import('src/components/user-detail.component')
           .then(mod => mod.UserDetailComponent) 
loadChildren : Loads many routes lazily at once.
loadChildren: () => import('src/constants/app-routes.constant')
            .then(mod => mod.APP_ROUTES) 

Q.28 : What is Route.providers ?

Ans : The Route has providers property to configure provider array for this route and its children. 
path: 'user',
component: UserComponent,
providers: [
children: [
The UserService is available to the path /user and its children.

Q.29 : What is path-matching strategy in routing?

Ans : The path-matching strategy decides whether the URL should match by prefix or full. The property pathMatch of Route can have values either 'prefix' or 'full'. For the value ‘full’, entire URL is matched. It is useful in redirecting empty-path routes.

Q.30 : What is the role of UrlMatcher in routing?

Ans : The UrlMatcher is used to create custom URL matcher for Route.matcher. The Route.matcher cannot be used with Route.path and Route.pathMatch.

Q.31 : What is Route.outlet?

Ans : In path configuration, outlet property is assigned with RouterOutlet object where the component can be placed when the path matches.

Q.32 : How can you pass data to routed components?

Ans : To pass data to routed components, we configure property in path configuration.

Q.33 : What is the use of RunGuardsAndResolvers in routing?

Ans : The RunGuardsAndResolvers is the policy for when to run guards and resolvers on a route. Use Route.runGuardsAndResolvers property to configure RunGuardsAndResolvers in routing.

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