@HostBinding in Angular

By Arvind Rai, April 03, 2024
On this page, we will learn @HostBinding decorator and provide examples to use it in our Angular application.

1. @HostBinding

@HostBinding decorator binds DOM property or CSS class, style, attributes to a host element. Using change detection, Angular can automatically check host binding and then host element is updated for any binding changes.
@HostBinding decorator accepts host property name as
Prefix class. for classes,
Prefix style. for styles and
Prefix attr. for attributes.

Lest us understand more about host binding.
1. Style binding : In style binding, style properties are bound to an element element as below.
<html_element [style.style_property] = "style_value"> 
We can achieve the same goal using using host binding as below.
@HostBinding('style.style_property') styleProperty = "style_value"; 
We notice that binding uses style. as prefix.
2. Class binding : In class binding, CSS classes are bound to an element as below.
<html_element [class.class_name] = "class_value"> 
The same goal can be achieved by host binding as below.
@HostBinding('class.class_name') className = "class_value"; 
We notice that binding uses class. as prefix.
3. Attribute binding : In attribute binding, attributes are bound to an element as below.
<html_element [attr.attribute_name] = "attribute_value"> 
The same goal can be achieved by host binding as below.
@HostBinding('attr.attribute_name') attributeName = "attribute_value"; 
We notice that binding uses attr. as prefix.

@HostBinding decorator can be used in a Directive. The element using that directive will show the effects of host binding. The values of @HostBinding properties can be changed dynamically using @HostListener decorator.

2. @HostBinding with Style

To use @HostBinding with style, assign host property name with style. prefix. To use unit, we can suffix the unit name with host property name or can be used with value. Find the directive with some styles.
  selector: '[myTheme]',
  standalone: true
export class StyleBindingDirective {
  @HostBinding('style.color') color = "red";
  @HostBinding('style.font-size.px') fontSize = 20;
  @HostBinding('style.width') width = "200px";
Use directive with a HTML element.
<div myTheme> Hello World! </div> 
All the configured styles by @HostBinding will take effect.
In case HTML element is also using inline style, then inline style will overwrite the styles configured by @HostBinding.
<div style="color:green;" myTheme> Hello World! </div> 
The color of text of the above <div> will be green.

3. @HostBinding with Class

@HostBinding uses class. prefix for class binding in host property name. When the values of properties decorated with @HostBinding are true, that class is applied to host element and if false, that class is removed.
Suppose I have class names as myClass1 and myClass2.
.myClass1 {
    color: blue;
    font-size: 10px;
.myClass2 {
    color: aqua;
    font-size: 20px;
We will use these classes with @HostBinding as below.
  selector: '[myTheme]',
  standalone: true
export class ClassBindingDirective {
  @HostBinding('class.myClass1') myClass1: boolean = true;
  @HostBinding('class.myClass2') myClass2: boolean = false;
Use directive with HTML element.
<div myTheme> Hello World! </div> 
myClass1 value is true, so it will be added to host element. myClass2 value is false, hence it is not added and if previously added then it will be removed.
If we add class inline as well as using @HostBinding, then inline class will overwrite the class properties configured by @HostBinding.
<div class="myClass3" myTheme> Hello World! </div> 
The properties of myClass3 class will override the properties configured by @HostBinding decorator.

4. @HostBinding with Attribute

To bind attribute using @HostBinding, use attr. prefix in host property name.
  selector: '[myAttBind]',
  standalone: true
export class AttBindingDirective {
  @Input() required: boolean = false;

  @Input() readonly: boolean = false;
Use directive as below.
<input type="text" myAttBind/> 
When we inspect input element in DOM, it will look as below.
<input type="text" myattbind="" aria-required="false" aria-readonly="false"> 
As we see that the directive properties required and readonly are decorated with @Input(), we can also pass them values as below.
<input type="text" [required]="true" myAttBind/> 
The output in DOM will be as below.
<input type="text" myattbind="" ng-reflect-required="true" aria-required="true" aria-readonly="false"> 

5. @HostBinding with Properties

To bind HTML element properties such as value, id, name, we need to pass property name to @HostBinding decorator.
  selector: '[myPropBind]',
  standalone: true
export class PropBindingDirective {
   @HostBinding('value') elVal = "Hello World!";
   @HostBinding('id') elId = "id1";
   @HostBinding('name') elName = "name1";
Suppose we use directive with input element.
<input type="text" myPropBind/> 
The output in DOM will be as below.
<input type="text" myattbind="" id="id1" name="name1"> 
The value of input text will be Hello World!.

6. @HostBinding with @HostListener

The values of properties decorated with @HostBinding can be updated dynamically using @HostListener decorator. @HostListener listens DOM event and is decorated on a handler method. When the host element emits that event then that handler method is executed.
Find the complete example.
1. Directive for style binding.
import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[styleBindDemo]',
  standalone: true
export class StyleBindingDirective {
  @HostBinding('style.background-color') bgColor = "white";
  @HostBinding('style.font-size.px') fontSize = 15;
  @HostBinding('style.width') width = "150px";

  handleKeyDown() {
    this.bgColor = "cyan";
    this.fontSize = 25;
    this.width = "300px";
  handleKeyUp() {
    this.bgColor = "white";
    this.fontSize = 15;
    this.width = "150px";
For the events 'focusin' and 'focusout', the values of style binding will change.

2. CSS classes and Directive for class binding.
.darkTheme {
    background-color: black;
    color: white;
.lightTheme {
    background-color: white;
    color: black;
import { Directive, HostBinding, HostListener } from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[classBindDemo]',
  standalone: true
export class ClassBindingDirective {
  @HostBinding('class.darkTheme') darkTheme: boolean = true;
  @HostBinding('class.lightTheme') lightTheme: boolean = false;

  handleMouseOver() {
    this.darkTheme = false;
    this.lightTheme = true;
  handleMouseLeave() {
    this.darkTheme = true;
    this.lightTheme = false;
For 'mouseover' event, the class '.darkTheme' will be removed and '.lightTheme' will be added.
For 'mouseleave' event, the class '.darkTheme' will be added and '.lightTheme' will be removed.

3. Find the component that uses above directives.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { StyleBindingDirective } from './style-binding.directive';
import { ClassBindingDirective } from './class-binding.directive';

  selector: 'app-root',
  standalone: true,
  imports: [StyleBindingDirective, ClassBindingDirective],
  template: `
     <input type="text" styleBindDemo />

     <p classBindDemo> Welcome to you! </p>
export class AppComponent {
Find the print-screen of the output.
Angular @HostBinding with Examples

7. Reference


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