Spring Boot validation not working

Asked on October 06, 2023
I have a class with Jakarta @NotNull and @Size validation.


public class Employee implements Serializable {


@Size(min = 5, max = 15)

private String empId;


@Size(min = 5, max = 20)

private String name;


2) In controller class:


public ModelAndView createUser(@Valid Employee emp, BindingResult result) {



3) In Thymeleaf :

<form action="#" th:action="@{/post-emp}" th:object="${emp}" method="POST">

<label th:if="${#fields.hasErrors('empId')}" th:text="#{error.emp.id}" th:class="'error'">Id Error</label>



Validation is not working.

Replied on October 06, 2023
Check following points.

1. Need spring-boot-starter-validation dependency.


2. Use @ModelAttribute with @Valid :

public ModelAndView createUser(@Valid @ModelAttribute("emp") Employee user, BindingResult result) {

Replied on October 06, 2023
Thanks. Working.

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