Thymeleaf conditionals: "if" and "unless"

By Arvind Rai, April 21, 2023
On this page, we will learn using Thymeleaf if and unless conditions in our Java application.
1. Thymeleaf provides th:if attribute that is useful when we need a fragment of our template to only appear in the result if a certain condition is met.
2. Thymeleaf provides th:unless attribute that is the inverse attribute of th:if attribute.
3. The th:if condition is passed for not null, non-zero number, non-zero character and for any string except "0", "false", "off" and "no".
4. The th:if condition does not pass for the values "null", "0", "false", "off" and "no".
5. Use OGNL expression such as ${ }, #{} to get values from context variables and property file.

On this page we will discuss th:if and th:unless attributes examples in detail.

1. With Boolean

The th:if condition is passed for Boolean value true.
<div th:if="true">
   For true
<div th:if="false">
   For false
Find the generated HTML.
   For true
We can see that HTML is not generated for false value.

2. With Number

The th:if condition is passed for non-zero number such as 1, 2, -1, 2 but failed for 0 number.
<div th:if="15">
   For 15
<div th:if="-5">
   For -5
<div th:if="0">
   For 0
Find the generated HTML.
   For 15
   For -5
We can see that The th:if condition is failed for 0 number and HTML is not generated.

3. With Character

The th:if condition is passed if value is a character and is non-zero.
<div th:if="'E'">
   For Character E
<div th:if="'F'">
   For Character F
Find the generated HTML.
   For Character E
   For Character F

4. With String

The th:if condition is passed for any string value except "false", "off" or "no".
<div th:if="Mohit">
   For Any String
<div th:if="false">
   For String "false"
<div th:if="off">
   For String "off"
<div th:if="no">
   For String "no"
Find the generated HTML.
   For Any String
We can see that for string values "false", "off" or "no", the th:if is not generating HTML code but for other string values th:if condition is passed and HTML code is generated.

5. With Null Value

The th:if condition is not passed for null value. The below Thymeleaf code will not generate any HTML code.
<div th:if="null">
   For Null
Now find the code for context variable.
String city = null;
ctx.setVariable("myCity", city); 
We can see that the variable myCity is null.
<div th:if="${myCity}">
   For My City
<div th:if="${not myCity}">
   For My City (Not)
Find the generated HTML code.
   For My City (Not)

6. Using "unless"

The th:unless is the inverse attribute of th:if. The th:unless will result same when using th:if with not inside OGNL expression.
<div th:each="writer : ${writers}">
	<p th:if="${not writer.isActive()}"  th:text="${writer.getName()}">Name</p>
The above code can be written with th:unless as following.
<div th:each="writer : ${writers}">
	<p th:unless="${writer.isActive()}"  th:text="${writer.getName()}">Name</p>

7. Fetching value from Property file

Find the code to use th:if and th:unless from property file.
<div th:if="#{myblog.isPublished}">
  Blog Published
<div th:unless="#{myblog.isPublished}">
  Blog Not Published 
For the myblog.isPublished= true, the following HTML code will be generated.
  Blog Published

8. With Iteration

Find the th:if and th:unless conditions example with Thymeleaf iteration.
<div th:each="dir : ${directions}">
	<p th:if="${dir.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase('E')}" th:text="East">E</p>
	<p th:if="${dir.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase('W')}" th:text="West">W</p>
	<p th:if="${dir.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase('N')}" th:text="North">N</p>
	<p th:if="${dir.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase('S')}" th:text="South">S</p>
	<tr th:each="writer,itrStat : ${writers}" th:class="${itrStat.even}? 'even_css_class':'odd_css_class'">
		<td th:text="${writer.getName()}">Name</td>
		<td th:if="${writer.isActive()}">Active</td>
		<td th:unless="${writer.isActive()}">Disabled</td>
		   <a href="profile.html" th:href="@{/writer/profile(id=${})}" 

9. Reference

10. Download Source Code


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