Spring MVC @ModelAttribute Annotation Example

By Arvind Rai, April 22, 2015
In this page we will learn how to use @ModelAttribute annotation in our spring MVC application. @ModelAttribute binds method parameter or the method response to a named model attribute. @ModelAttribute has an element as value. @ModelAttribute can be used at method level as well as parameter level. The use of @ModelAttribute at parameter level is to accept the value of form from the web request. The one use of @ModelAttribute at method level is assigning values to Model as default. This method will be created in the class annotated with @ModelAttribute. Here we will discuss both approach with example.

@ModelAttribute as Method Parameter to Access Form

When using @ModelAttribute as method parameter, it binds the form data with a bean. The controller method annotated with @RequestMapping can have custom class argument annotated with @ModelAttribute. It has one element as value which is the name of model attribute to bind. In our example we have a bean corresponding to form.
package com.concretepage.bean;
public class Country {
	private String countryName;
        private String pmName;
	public String getCountryName() {
		return countryName;
	public void setCountryName(String countryName) {
		this.countryName = countryName;
	public String getPmName() {
		return pmName;
	public void setPmName(String pmName) {
		this.pmName = pmName;
Find the Controller class. Here we have a method that has the @ModelAttribute as an argument.
public class CountryController {
	@RequestMapping(value="country", method = RequestMethod.GET)
	public ModelAndView country(){
		return new ModelAndView("countryForm","country",new Country());
	@RequestMapping(value="saveCountry", method = RequestMethod.POST)
	public String saveCountry(@ModelAttribute("country") Country country, ModelMap model) {
		model.addAttribute("countryName", country.getCountryName());
		model.addAttribute("pmName", country.getPmName());
		return "success";
The value of @ModelAttribute is bean name which is bound to the form. In the method we are fetching values from the form and setting it to ModelMap.

@ModelAttribute annotated at Method Level in @ControllerAdvice Class

@ModelAttribute can also be used at method level. With @ControllerAdvice annotated class, we can add values in Model which will be known as global. It means for every request a default value will be there in our response of each and every controller method. For the demo, we are creating a class annotated with @ControllerAdvice and a method annotated with @ModelAttribute.
public final class GlobalController {
    public void addAttributes(Model model) {
	   model.addAttribute("msg", "Welcome to My Country");

Create JSP

For the demo, we are creating a form.
  <form:form action="saveCountry" method="post" commandName="country">
	<tr>  <td>Country Name:</td> <td><form:input  path="countryName"/> </td> </tr> 
	<tr> <td> PM Name :</td> <td><form:input path="pmName"/> </td> </tr> 
	<tr> <td colspan=2>   <input type="submit"> </td>
Find the JSP file for the successful response.
	<h3>Country Name: ${countryName}</h3>
	<h3>PM Name: ${pmName}</h3>


To test the output, run the URL http://localhost:8080/concretepage-1/country , we will get the form.
Spring MVC @ModelAttribute Annotation Example
Fill the form and submit, we will get the response.
Spring MVC @ModelAttribute Annotation Example
What we need to observe that the first line is from global model attribute and the rest two line is from the controller method.

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