Unable to login web Application and I am using Tomcat

Asked on September 17, 2018
Hi everyone,
  when I am trying to login my web application and I am getting an following error:
Network Error(tcp_error) a communication error occured : "Connection Refused". The web server may be down, too busy or experiencing other problems preventing it from responding to requests.

Please give me suggestions as soon as possible
Thank and Regards,

Replied on September 17, 2018
You can try

1. Clear the browser cache
2. Restart the server
3. Increase read timeout
4. Increase the connection pool
5. Check for any error 

Replied on October 11, 2018

1. Enable cookies for the website

2. Clear history for that site

3. Clear all cookies and the cache

4. Check Extensions and Plugins

5. Security application is blocking cookies

6. Remove corrupt cookies file

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