Infinite loop and stackoverflow error in Servlet Call

Asked on August 22, 2014

My Controller servlet is going through the infinite loop and sometimes it ends with the stackoverflow error..



public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res){

String url= req.getRequestURI().substring((req.getContextPath()).length()+1);

System.out.println("Requested Resource Is:"+url); 
Output When i Requested for "index.jsp" is:

Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp
Requested Resource Is: index.jsp on....

Replied on August 25, 2014
Check your Servlet mapping.


It says that for every *.jsp, Servlet  JspHandler is being called. So when you are writing the line

res.sendRedirect(url); i.e res.sendRedirect("index.jsp"); then again servlet is being called because of *.jsp  extension.


Change URL pattern like

<url-pattern>/JspHandler </url-pattern>

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