Access is denied (user is not anonymous); delegating to AccessDeniedHandler

Asked on May 13, 2015
I am working on spring security demo project. I am getting an exception. What are possible solution?

08:45:23.897 [http-nio-8080-exec-3] DEBUG o.s.s.w.a.ExceptionTranslationFilter - Access is denied (user is not anonymous); delegating to AccessDeniedHandler Access is denied
    at ~[AffirmativeBased.class:4.0.1.RELEASE]
    at ~[AbstractSecurityInterceptor.class:4.0.1.RELEASE]
    at ~[MethodSecurityInterceptor.class:4.0.1.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.ReflectiveMethodInvocation.proceed( ~[ReflectiveMethodInvocation.class:4.1.6.RELEASE]
    at org.springframework.aop.framework.JdkDynamicAopProxy.invoke( ~[JdkDynamicAopProxy.class:4.1.6.RELEASE]
    at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy31.methodTwo(Unknown Source) ~[na:na]

Replied on May 13, 2015
The possible scenarios are

1. You have logged in with a user that has given a role but accessing a URL pattern which is not authorized to that user.

2.  Or You have logged in with a user and accessing a method which is not authorized to that user role.

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